Tikkun Olam (Social Action)
Tikkun Olam (Social Action)
“Justice, justice, you shall pursue.” (Deut 16:20)
Beit Haverim promotes, facilitates and shares in diverse social action activities in response to the core principle of Jewish ethics: Tikkun Olam – mending the world. As we pursue the important work of creating a better world, we strengthen the relationships within our congregation and broaden our connections to other communities. In doing so, we develop a better awareness and understanding of our responsibility to each other. We show that we care, mentor our children and create meaningful change. All are invited and encouraged to participate in the work of social justice.
Beit Haverim has a longstanding commitment to social action – setting in motion the ideals and values of our traditions through deeds of justice and compassion. Our activities include organizing various drives throughout the year and providing support to needy members of our community through targeted programs.
Knitzvah: Handmade Warmth for Head Start Families
The cold, winter months can be especially challenging for families in need. You can make a difference in the lives of Head Start children and their families by donating handmade scarves, hats, gloves, and mittens. Your donations will provide warmth and comfort and show families that their community cares.
How to Contribute
* Knit or Crochet: Use your skills to create beautiful and practical winter accessories.
* Donate Yarn: If you extra yarn, consider donating it to our cause.
* Dropoff: You can drop your handmade contributions in the labeled basket in the temple fireplace room. Look for the basket on the bookshelves to the left of the fireplace.
Help Raise Funds with the Bottle Drop Program
Beit Haverim encourages our community members to collect and return empty bottles and cans as part of the Oregon Bottle Drop program. The proceeds of these redeemed cans and bottles will be part of a Tikkun Olam project undertaken by our de Asis Family Religious School students. Here's how you can participate in the Bottle Drop program:
1. Grab a blue plastic Bottle Drop bag from the temple (you’ll find them on the bookshelf by the prayer books).
2. Collect empty bottles and cans and fill your blue bag. Plastic, aluminum, and glass can all go in the same bag. No need to sort!
3. Bring them to a designated drop-off location, scan the bag tag to open the secure Drop Door, and insert your blue bag.
(For locations, click here. Enter your zip code and select “Drop Green or Blue Bags.”)
4. That’s it! Beit Haverim earns 10¢ per item, on average about $7 to $8 per bag
Blood Drive:
Beit Haverim works with the American Red Cross to collect blood for those in need. Check our calendar or newsletter for the next blood drive, and please consider donating. It takes just a short amount of time and YOU can save up to THREE LIVES with your donation of a pint of blood.
Please contact Dena Gutterman for details of how to schedule your donation.
Sunshine Division Annual Food Drive:
Beit Haverim members and guests gathered 508 lbs of food during our most recent, annual High Holy Days Food Drive. We are so pleased to be able to contribute to the food needs of our neighbors. Thanks to everyone who donated.
Thanksgiving Basket Drive
Each year, Beit Haverim helps gather food for Thanksgiving baskets collected and distributed by Jewish Family & Child Service. This year, we collected 120 cans of whole kernel corn to help ensure local families a joyous holiday meal.
Sandwich Project:
Students in our Religious School roll up their sleeves, put on their plastic gloves, and work hard to make sandwiches for hungry homeless people. The children then bag the sandwiches with an apple to make a nice meal. A couple of wonderful school moms took the sandwiches downtown to deliver them in time to be handed out for dinners. We will do so again this year, with the help of Religious School parents and helpful students.
If you want to be a part of our wonderful Tikkun Olam committee, please contact office@beithav.org.
- Red Cross Blood Drive
- West Linn Food Pantry
- Sunshine Food Pantry
- Jewish National Fund Collections for Trees For Israel
- PAWTeam Supply Drive
- Men’s shelter dinners
- Household Item donations to Hand to Hand (Jewish Federation of Portland) for those in need
- Backpacks for Refugee Children
- Nothing But Nets
- Ideas and suggestions are always welcome
For more information about any programs and to become involved, please contact office@beithav.org.
Thu, February 6 2025
8 Sh'vat 5785
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 7 Shabbat Service Led by Rabbi Berg & Ann Brown Friday, Feb 7 7:00pm |
Feb 8 Torah Study with Rabbi Alan Berg Shabbos, Feb 8 10:00am |
Feb 11 Pirke Avot Study Tuesday, Feb 11 12:00pm |
Feb 14 Shabbat Service with Gabe Hunter-Bernstein and Ann Brown Friday, Feb 14 7:00pm |
Feb 16 Board Meeting Sunday, Feb 16 2:30pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat B'shalach
Shabbos, Feb 8 |
Tu BiSh'vat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
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